What neighborhood do you live in?
We live in the Mar Lee Neighborhood.
Why did you choose this neighborhood?
We buy cheap houses and flip them. We found a house we wanted to flip in Mar Lee, so we are here for the time being. Eventually, we want to live in the Baker District, our favorite neighborhood.
What are some of your favorite local spots?
We like the South Broadway area particularly Skylark and Barry’s. We will ride bikes or walk anywhere.
P.S. We love your vibe. What inspires your style?
Definitely the 50’s era- it influences how I do my hair and choose my clothes. I love Betty Paige. I even have a tattoo of her: that’s how much she influences me. We–Johnny and me–love 50s cars, decor and music too. Lastly, tattoos definitely influence our style, and we are currently looking for a new tattoo shop.
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