What neighborhood do you live in?
Though I live in LoHi, Five Points is my passion.
Explain your passion for Five Points.
It’s in the city: you can see the high rises close by, and I like that. I love the character of the houses, the walkability. I absolutely believe in this neighborhood.
What are your favorite local spots?
I’ll mention Cold Crush first because, among other reasons, its owners are connected with the Five Points neighborhood. They take ownership. My other favorites are Meadowlark, Crema, the Populist, Work & Class.
P.S.We love your vibe! What inspires your style?
I believe in doing what you do and doing it well, finding your strength and capitalizing upon it. Take the aprons my company Sojourn designs and sells. They represent what I love about style: a marriage of creativity, function, and symbolism. Artists, bartenders, bakers, butchers, glassblowers, brewers, all these individuals create, make beauty. So, Sojourn’s aprons are both beautiful in and of themselves and are used in artisans’ creation of beauty.
Hey! Does Sojourn have a website or Facebook page that I could check-out? Thanks!
Hi Deborah, I have looked but can’t find a website. Let me see if we can get a hold of Peter who we did the interview with and find out for you. Stay tuned!
Thanks so much!
Deborah, Peter said the website is not up yet but you can call or email him for more info. peter@redsealrealty.com