Melissa Monforti had been teaching guitar in Highlands for several years before expanding her business to the great Park Hill neighborhood. We enjoy connecting with other small businesses and being in the heart of a walkable, friendly area – one that truly deserves the title “neighborhood!” In Park Hill, we partner with Wands & Wishes Occasions on adorable, homey Kearney St. and we love it!
Forte would love to offer a $50 discount for any new teen or adult guitarist who signs up at our Park Hill studio. That reduces the rate to just $14/lesson – a super deal! Although we have an impressive and user-friendly website, we’re still a local small business, so just give us a call and mention that we connected via Denver Vibe and Live Urban and save your $50.
2208 Kearney St, Denver 80207
What about Park Hill jives with your business culture?
Forte is all about community. We could teach in a dingy church basement in the middle of nowhere, but why when we could choose to connect where people actually live, work and hang out? Our culture is laid back and fun, so we plant ourselves in places like Kearney St where we really fit in.
Forte offers free community jams every other month to get everyone together over snacks and libations and music. These are always free and open to all our neighbors so please join us!
Why are you passionate about your business? What’s the story?
Music is a safe and fun way for people to connect. In our small group lessons, one student might be a senior executive and another a senior in high school. Yet, we’re all on the same playing field, laughing our way through all of our mistakes. Playing guitar together connects people across boundaries like age, education, background, race, gender or any limitation that might otherwise have prevented people from seeing each other as equal. That is powerful to witness and humbling to facilitate. It happens every week for dozens of students in Forte’s lessons.
Our laid back and community oriented culture does not preclude our serious commitment to student success. Forte is unique among guitar studios in Denver in that we offer free mini guitar lesson videos every week and practice videos for every lesson. Our goal is that students are continually practicing to hone their skill, and the practice videos ensure they have all the tools they need. It’s one reason we feel confident saying we are Denver’s best guitar lessons.
Another free added benefit is that we provide the entire community with our resource-rich blog including two to four articles a month about hundreds of guitar-related topics.
What inspired the look of your business/ the design?
“Forte” is a musical term meaning loud or strong. My last name is Monforti, an Italian name that was altered at Ellis Island when my great-grandparents emigrated to the US from Sicily. The original spelling was “Monforte.” The symbol for forte in music is a swirly “f” like the one in our logo. Our logo designer is a local mom, Jen Gauerke of Sour Grapes Design.
Reach out to Babs, a Realtor with Live Urban Real Estate, with any of your Park Hill neighborhood questions!
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