Denver Fall Coffee Lovers Will Obsess over Grounds for Dismissal’s Pumpkin Flights
Meet the Owners!

What is the Origin Story for Grounds for Dismissal Coffee?
Hi:) We are the Whiteman family, we own Grounds for Dismissal coffee. Me (Carissa Beauchamp) & Korah Sevier met in Houston, Texas freshman year of high school- got married soon after moving to Colorado. Here, we met Tyler Whiteman (he happened to work in the office building where the coffee shop is located). We are now a throuple with three amazing kids, Gwynevere (11 months) and twin boys Sterling & Xander (2 months). 3 kids under one is an amazing wild ride. We love every crazy minute of it!
Long story short, we stumbled upon this off-the-beaten-path office location and are extremely grateful that a few people had faith in some crazy 20 year olds. We started the shop in 2019, 2 years out of high school, just by having a bit of confidence and valor. I was managing a local coffee chain and they left their office shop location, and I immediately went over to the office building management and asked if I could take over the fully furnished shop. Miraculously they said yes.
Seeing our shop go viral to this day catches us off guard. For example, there is currently a reels on instagram from @travel.n.taste posted about a month ago, that for some reason just got the traction to go viral now a month later. As a small business owner you really have to delve into the world of social media advertising – & even though it’s morally conflicting (and emotionally draining) to me personally, it is quite necessary in today’s economy.
Are you from Colorado? Which neighborhood did you eventually choose to call home?
We are all actually all from Texas! Korah and Carissa are from Houston, Tx and Tyler was raised in Dallas. We just happened to move here and all meet. Great minds think alike 🙂

Where is Grounds for Dismissal Located? And why choose this location?
We are located at Parker/Illif intersection, right before highway 225- inside of a big office building. The building is completely vacant, so we solely rely on outside business from social media and grassroots advertising techniques to target surrounding neighborhoods.
We LOVE Fall in Denver. What Flavors are you most Excited to Feature this Fall on your Menu?
This fall we are featuring a pumpkin spice coffee flight! Featuring a Caramel Apple latte, Pumpkin Caramel macchiato, Maple Brown Sugar Latte, & a Harvest Chai. We are also hosting a community fall festival October 14 & 15!! Pumpkins, face painting, and tons of family-game-night-fun!
What are some challenges you’ve faced as a Business Owner?
We have faced MANY challenges as first time business owners, and first time parents. With Korah’s thyroid cancer, we were pretty much forced to have all our kids back to back. We really had to gear up for the long haul here — with our staff, building up a trustworthy staff was the most challenging part of this whole endeavor. To find people who are equally as passionate and caring as us, to work the storefront and allow us to be confident in their abilities. I am so thankful to have the solid staff we have now to carry our business to new highs!

How can Customers Keep up with you? or @gfdcoffee on instagram, Facebook, & TikTok

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