New Label Mean World Records Hits the Denver Music Scene
Meet the Owner | Hunter Bates

Hi Hunter! How did you come to own Mean World Records Label in Denver?
Myself and some of my best friends and favorite musicians Jason Kaplan and Jake Demarco decided after working together on some shows, tours, etc to start our own record label. We’re really seeking to do some cool stuff around the city, bringing people together and bringing up the local music scene that’s so incredible and vast here.

Who are the Local Denver Musicians that you represent? Tell us about them and what you do for them?
Currently our roster is: Shady Oaks, In Plain Air, The Losers Club, The Study Abroad, Tarantula Bill, and have a few newer artists in the works. We provide our booking/marketing services free of charge for our artists, they make percentages of the Mean World merchandise to help fund their recording, getting them out on the road, etc. It’s this sort of fluid collaborative organism between everyone.

Are you from Colorado? Which neighborhood did you eventually choose to call home?
I’m the only non-native of the label, and I’m from New Orleans! But I currently call Cap Hill home.

Can you tell us about some of the shows you have coming up?
Of course! We’re throwing one of our first “Mean World Presents” shows at Hi-Dive on 10/12, with Shady Oaks, Horse B****, Tiny Tomboy, and Mind Gardens!
Our artists also have a pretty busy month ahead, The Losers Club is playing the Gothic Theatre opening for Kenny Hoopla on 10/10, and then again at Lost Lake on 10/27 with One Flew West & Bury Mia.
In Plain Air just put out two new singles the other week, and they’ll be headlining The Black Buzzard on 10/14 with Pool Sharks and Rosebay.
The Study Abroad is headlining Lost Lake on 10/26 with Creek, Goodnight Native, and Insomniac Drives as well this October.
Both Shady Oaks and The Study Abroad will be doing livestream shows during the month of October with CameraJams, a really fantastic livestream session supporting local music here in Colorado. We’ve got a really busy month ahead of us, but plenty of chances to come see our artists and learn what we’re about!

What are some challenges you’ve faced as a Business Owner?
So far the only real challenges we’re facing are smaller things, navigating through greedy promoters and trying to align ourselves with people that want to help bring up the local music scene, and not just make a quick buck off of it. I’m sure that as we grow more we’ll have more challenges to face, so I think at the moment we’re just prepping to deal with those when they arise. You know the saying, more money, more problems.

What are some accomplishments you are most proud of?
At the moment we’re finalizing some of our booking & artist management services, we want to be a resource for the community whether they need help making merchandise, growing their social media presence, help booking a tour or finding more local opportunities to play, etc. We’re also working with our great friend Jackson Maddox who’s a fantastic audio engineer in Nashville, Tennessee to be able to connect local artists to him for mixing/mastering.
We also accept submissions to our growing Spotify playlist, “in rotation” that we update weekly and feature some great music from all around Colorado, as well as what’s on repeat for us at the moment.
The best way to support what we’re doing currently is to buy some merchandise, support the artists, come to the shows, share their music around.
For all inquiries, our email is

How would you describe the Personality or “Vibe” of Denver?
Denver has such an interesting vibe! It’s for sure a big melting pot, and I think for the music scene you get these great pockets of small communities of local music. There’s so much potential in the city and there’s so many really amazing businesses here doing things for the culture.

How can Denver Keep up with you?

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