Meena Julapalli is an accomplished and energetic professional that lives in Denver’s Riverfront Park Neighborhood. In addition to being a leading pediatric dermatologist in Denver, she infuses everyone she comes in contact with her positive spirit, her amazing attitude and her infectious smile. Here is what Meena has to say about Riverfront Park:
Which Neighborhood Do you Live In?
What Is Your Profession?
Pediatric Dermatologist
What Aspects of Your Neighborhood Best Fit Your Style and Personality?
Riverfront Park is fun, trendy, happening, and always provides something interesting to do!
What Do You Do For Fun In Your Neighborhood?
In my free time, I love to go on runs around Commons Park, cross over the Millennium Bridge, walk the 16th Street Mall and go to the ballpark. I love the fact that everything is within walking distance including entertainment and recreation.
What Is Your Favorite Restaurant in Your ‘Hood?
Zengo…the brunch is amazing! Zengo is an Asian Restaurant in Riverfront Park that serves up an infusion of Asian and Latin cuisine. If you haven’t been to the restaurant you are missing out!
No one knows downtown Denver like Ryan does! Reach out to him with any of your Riverfront questions!
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