Janet Feder is an artist, musician, educator, gardener, road biker and a twelve year Cole resident. She has lived in Cole long before the neighborhood became on the radar and has a unique outlook to share because of that. She takes the time today to tell us a little bit about who she is, what she likes about Denver & her favorite local places.
What neighborhood do you live in?
I live in Cole.
Why did you choose Cole to call home?
It had the best homes for the value back in 2004.
What are your favorite local places?
Curtis Park Delicatessen, Crema, Los Chingones, my garden, and the new train stop three blocks from my home.
What do you love about Denver?
Its thriving arts/music/culture scenes.
Are you from CO?
Yes. I’m a third generation native on my dad’s side.
How would you describe the personality or “vibe” of Denver? Of Cole?
The vibe of Denver as of fairly recently is overcrowded. The vibe of my neighborhood is friendly and interesting.
Want to find your perfect Denver neighborhood? Reach out to Paul, a Live Urban Realtor & Denver Vibe writer who interviewed Janet.
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