Meet Ming Min Luftig
Denver Based Fashion Influencer | @MadameMing
Bus to Home Conversion | @BusMeetsWorld
When I was younger I absolutely hated fashion and thought it was the dumbest thing that people would spend thousands of dollars on a single piece of clothing. It wasn’t until high school that fashion started to peak my interest but I was still buying fast fashion. When I was in my 20s I hadn’t figured out my niche and was just copying the fashion of the Instagram influencers I was following, all of which were into wearing oatmeal/beige/camel/black/whit
Do you have any events or projects coming up you’d like people to know about?
Why did you choose to call your neighborhood home?
As of right now we are living in a rental in The Highlands area; just a few blocks down from my parents. My parents wanted us as close to them as possible to help take care of the baby. Plus The Highlands is very family/dog friendly.
What are your favorite Denver places?
Cherry creek mall, Wash park, Botanical gardens, and Berkeley
What do you love about Denver?
How would you describe the personality or “vibe” of Denver?
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