Anne Drobny, her husband and two kids live on the west side of town in Applewood. Applewood is an old neighborhood developed in the fifties and sixties and includes addresses in Golden, Lakewood, and Wheat Ridge. Their kids go to elementary and middle school just blocks from their home, and they are all active with sports, running, hiking, and enjoying their gorgeous neighborhood.
What neighborhood do you live in?
My family and I live in Applewood Grove which is in Golden, but closer to Lakewood and Wheat Ridge than Downtown Golden!
Why did you choose Applewood?
The spacious yards, the feeling of an older and established neighborhood, and the excellent schools.
What are your favorite local places?
Our favorite hang-out spots are Teller’s Tap Room, Moose Hill Cantina, The Wheat Ridge Rec Center, and – in the summer – The Applewood Athletic Club.
What do you love about Denver and Wheat Ridge?
I love the small community feel, the friendly people, and the amazing access to the outdoors. From where I live, I can get to hiking spots, dog parks, and great running trails really quickly.
What brought you to Colorado?
I was born and raised here, in Parker.
Joy Opp knows Wheat Ridge better than anyone. Reach out to her with any of your neighborhood questions!
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