What neighborhood do you live in?
West Colfax/South Sloans Lake
Why did you choose that neighborhood?
Prices were great for starter homes and I liked that Lakewood Gulch was just down the street. It gives me great access to bike paths, an uncrowded place to walk my dog, quick access to the highway, downtown and very easy convenience to the light trail system. I also like the proximity to Sloan’s Lake and the Highlands.
What are your favorite local places?
Rupert’s by Sloan’s Lake for breakfast, Fire on the Mountain of 32nd in the Highlands and La Cosanita of 29th. We also spend a lot of time at the Aquarium playground and taking the light rail downtown for random adventures.
How would you describe your personality?
Adventurous and caring
How would you describe the personality of Denver & your neighborhood?
My neighborhood is full of diversity and it always helps remind me how colorful the world is with people along with the city, it is part of why I love living in the city.
What does it feel like to live in Denver & your neighborhood?
I love how convenient everything is in Denver and it makes me feel like I have everything I need and want close at hand and is a small enough city and neighborhood that it makes you feel like part of a community.
P.S. We love your vibe. What inspires your style?
I have grown up exploring the city and neighborhoods skateboarding and my primary sphere of influence is into board sports. Many of them are into the arts; photography, drawing, murals, etc and I draw a lot of inspiration from my days on a skateboard and the creative friends that surround me and now my two young children have added to my inspirations.
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